Wensleydale Railway - Photo Archive

June 2019


This month we have:-
1. "The Tortoise and the Hare".
2. The last few days of Tornado on the line.
3. Loco 477715 Haymarket leaving the Wensleydale Railway.
4. Armed Forces Day/Diesel Gala.
5. Our publicity stall at the NRM Shildon model rail show.
6. The Direct Works Team converting the Leeming Bar Goods Shed office into a crew room.
7. The weed killer unit has been on our line.
8. A Volker tamper has been on our line for some training.
9. The broken springs from Bubblecar 121032 which have now been replaced.
10. Blind Lane User Worked Crossing has been replaced by the infrastructure Team.
11. The Vegetation Team at work.

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