Wensleydale Railway - Photo Archive

January 2021


Due to the current lockdown only work considered to be safety critical has been continuing. Vegetation and Infrastructure work fall into this category and Infrastructure teams have been very busy during January, working most days of the week carrying out a further track renewal at Argill Farm and also the replacement of Smiths User Worked Crossing.

This month we have:-
1. The Infrastructure teams doing a further track renewal at Argill Farm.
2. The Infrastructure teams replacing Smiths User Worked Crossing.
3. More photos of Rishi Sunak's visit to the railway in December.
4. Various views along the railway.
5. The Vegetation Team in action

A selection of photos of the Infrastructure work is shown below, but for a more detailed view of their work, see the dedicated page showing the work here

Tip - You may find it better to view the pictures in 'full screen' mode - For most browsers F11 will toggle this on and off

© 2025 Wensleydale Railway