Wensleydale Railway - Photo Archive

July 2021


This month we have:-
1. Our new kiosk/cafe at Scruton in the old Signal Box
2. Our living history interpreters at Leeming Bar Station House
3. 2nd July was the 10th anniversary of Bedale Station reopening
4. 4th July was the 18th anniversary of the opening of the Wensleydale Railway
5. Pacer 143623 arrives at Leeming Bar
6. Our old Leeming Bar buffet coach leaves the railway
7. Leyburn's 1940s event…
8. The coaches which we have recently bought off Harry Needle in order to keep them on the railway. We have had them on loan for several years.
9. Some views of Leeming Bar
10. The new kissing gates and fencing for the footpath crossing the line on Bedale curve
11. A new flange greaser installed on Bedale curve to reduce wheel flange and rail wear
12. The sequence of coach access steps at Bedale
13. The Officers Special train to survey the line to Redmire
14. The Network Rail Biodiversity Vist
15. The West Coast Railways coach which we have had on loan for a while is shown leaving the railway
16. Another tamper on our line
17. An overhauled AVR and alternator have been fitted to one of our coaches
18. Recovery of track from the now closed Eggborough Power Station (more photos on the dedicated page)
19. Loco 37250 has been out on the ballast train
20. The Infrastructure team have replaced the crossing deck at Argill User Worked Crossing
21. The vegetation team clearing user worked crossing sight lines for greater safety

Note that more photos of the recovery of track from the now closed Eggborough Power Station can be seen here

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© 2025 Wensleydale Railway