Wensleydale Railway - Photo Archive

September 2021
During September a lot of work has been carried out at Leeming Bar. Much of it in readiness for Polar Express.
This month we have the following:-
1. Photos by a visitor to the railway showing his visit.
2. Completion of the work to lower the track in Leeming Bay platform for the new station buffet car.
3. Progress on the toilet block at Leeming Bar.
4. The Direct Works Team repairing the steps leading from Leases Road to Leeming Bar Station House portico.
5. Loco 33035 receiving maintenance prior to its Polar Express duties.
6. Restoration and refurbishment of Mk2a coaches for Polar Express duties.
7. The rebuilding of an 0-6-0 Tank Steam Locomotive is continuing.
8. The Vegetation Team preparing Constable Burton area for Polar Express.
More photos of the restoration of the 0-6-0 Steam Tank Loco can be seen here

Ref - 9177
Photo - John McGowan
Bedale station on a gloriously sunny day.
John McGowan recently had a day out on our railway. He took a number of photos which he kindly forwarded to us. (22/09/2021)
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Ref - 9177
Photo - John McGowan
Bedale station on a gloriously sunny day.
John McGowan recently had a day out on our railway. He took a number of photos which he kindly forwarded to us. (22/09/2021)Click here to see higher resolution photo
Ref - 9178
Photo - John McGowan
A Pacer train approaching Bedale station
John McGowan recently had an enjoyable day out on our railway. He took a number of photos which he kindly forwarded to us. (22/09/2021)Click here to see higher resolution photo
Ref - 9179
Photo - John McGowan
A Pacer train at Bedale station
John McGowan recently had an enjoyable day out on our railway. He took a number of photos which he kindly forwarded to us. (22/09/2021)Click here to see higher resolution photo
Ref - 9180
Photo - John McGowan
Scruton station with one of our costumed volunteers
John McGowan recently had an enjoyable day out on our railway. He took a number of photos which he kindly forwarded to us. (22/09/2021)Click here to see higher resolution photo
Ref - 9181
Photo - John McGowan
Scruton station
John McGowan recently had an enjoyable day out on our railway. He took a number of photos which he kindly forwarded to us. (22/09/2021)Click here to see higher resolution photo
Ref - 9182
Photo - John McGowan
A view eastwards towards Northallerton from Scruton level crossing
John McGowan recently had an enjoyable day out on our railway. He took a number of photos which he kindly forwarded to us. (22/09/2021)Click here to see higher resolution photo
Ref - 9183
Photo - John McGowan
Scruton station
John McGowan recently had an enjoyable day out on our railway. He took a number of photos which he kindly forwarded to us. (22/09/2021)Click here to see higher resolution photo
Ref - 9184
Photo - John McGowan
The rear of Scruton station
John McGowan recently had an enjoyable day out on our railway. He took a number of photos which he kindly forwarded to us. (22/09/2021)Click here to see higher resolution photo
Ref - 9185
Photo - John McGowan
Scruton station with one of our costumed volunteers
John McGowan recently had an enjoyable day out on our railway. He took a number of photos which he kindly forwarded to us. (22/09/2021)Click here to see higher resolution photo
Ref - 9186
Photo - John McGowan
A pacer at Scruton station
John McGowan recently had an enjoyable day out on our railway. He took a number of photos which he kindly forwarded to us. (22/09/2021)Click here to see higher resolution photo
Ref - 9187
Photo - John McGowan
Leeming Bar Station House
John McGowan recently had an enjoyable day out on our railway. He took a number of photos which he kindly forwarded to us. (22/09/2021)Click here to see higher resolution photo
Ref - 9188
Photo - John McGowan
The Station Master's Parlour at Leeming Bar Station House all set for afternoon tea
John McGowan recently had an enjoyable day out on our railway. He took a number of photos which he kindly forwarded to us. (22/09/2021)Click here to see higher resolution photo
Ref - 9189
Photo - John McGowan
A Pacer train approaching Leeming Bar from Scruton, being waved over the level crossing by a crossing keeper
John McGowan recently had an enjoyable day out on our railway. He took a number of photos which he kindly forwarded to us. (22/09/2021)Click here to see higher resolution photo
Ref - 9190
Photo - John McGowan
A Pacer train at Bedale
John McGowan recently had an enjoyable day out on our railway. He took a number of photos which he kindly forwarded to us. (22/09/2021)Click here to see higher resolution photo
Ref - 9191
Photo - P. Garnett
The bay platform at Leeming Bar has now been dug out and is ready for the new track on which the new station buffet car (an ex HST kitchen car and a sleeper (ex caledonian sleeper) will stand.
The track is being lowered here so that steps will not be needed to access the new station buffet. (03/09/2021)Click here to see higher resolution photo
Ref - 9192
Photo - Timothy Edwards
The bay platform at Leeming Bar has now been dug out and is ready for the new track on which the new station buffet car (an ex HST kitchen car and a sleeper (ex caledonian sleeper) will stand.
The track is being lowered here so that steps will not be needed to access the new station buffet. (03/09/2021)Click here to see higher resolution photo
Ref - 9193
Photo - Timothy Edwards
View from the west end of the track being laid in the bay platform at Leeming Bar. This is for the new station buffet and a sleeper car (07/09/2021)
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Ref - 9194
Photo - Timothy Edwards
View from the east end of the track being laid in the bay platform at Leeming Bar. This is for the new station buffet and a sleeper car (07/09/2021)
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Ref - 9195
Photo - Timothy Edwards
The new track has now been laid in the bay platform at Leeming Bar. This is for the new station buffet and a sleeper car (12/09/2021)
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Ref - 9196
Photo - Timothy Edwards
The Leeming Bar bay platform track is now ready for the new station buffet (an ex HST kitchen car and a sleeper (ex caledonian sleeper). (28/09/2021)
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Ref - 9197
Photo - Timothy Edwards
The ex HST kitchen car in the yard at Leeming Bar awaiting to be moved to its new home in the bay platform to form the new station buffet. (28/09/2021)
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Ref - 9198
Photo - Tam Stewart
The ex Caledonian sleeper car in Leeming Bar yard ready to be moved to its new home in the bay platform next to the new station buffet car. It is planned to use it for sleeping accommodation (21/09/2021)
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Ref - 9199
Photo - Timothy Edwards
Work is progressing on the new toilets at Leeming Bar. Plumbing is underway, with the cisterns and waste pipes installed. (12/09/2021)
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Ref - 9200
Photo - Timothy Edwards
Work is progressing on the new toilets at Leeming Bar. There are now doors on the new toilets (28/09/2021)
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Ref - 9201
Photo - Timothy Edwards
Work is progressing on the new toilets at Leeming Bar. There are now doors on the new toilets (28/09/2021)
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Ref - 9202
Photo - Timothy Edwards
The access steps from Leases Road up to Leeming Bar station house are being repaired by the Direct Works Team as the steps were becoming unsafe (28/09/2021)
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Ref - 9203
Photo - Timothy Edwards
The access steps from Leases Road up to Leeming Bar station house are being repaired by the Direct Works Team as the steps were becoming unsafe (28/09/2021)
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Ref - 9204
Photo - Tam Stewart
33035 has received maintenance and examination work to prepare it for The Polar Express. 33035 will provide the electricity for heat on all of our coaching stock over the festive period. (01/09/2021)
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Ref - 9205
Photo - Tam Stewart
33035 has received maintenance and examination work to prepare it for The Polar Express. 33035 will provide the electricity for heat on all of our coaching stock over the festive period. (01/09/2021)
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Ref - 9206
Photo - Paul Warren
33035 has received maintenance and examination work to prepare it for The Polar Express. 33035 will provide the electricity for heat on all of our coaching stock over the festive period. (01/09/2021)
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Ref - 9207
Photo - Tam Stewart
Loco 37250 about to remove loco 33035 from Leeming Bar shed after its pre Polar Express maintenance (01/09/2021)
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Ref - 9208
Photo - Tam Stewart
Loco 37250 removing loco 33035 from Leeming Bar shed after its pre Polar Express maintenance (01/09/2021)
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Ref - 9209
Photo - Tam Stewart
The bottom of a door for Mk2a coach 5378 prior to refurbishment (--/08/2021)
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Ref - 9210
Photo - Tam Stewart
The bottom of a door for Mk2a coach 5378 after refurbishment (26/08/2021)
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Ref - 9211
Photo - Tam Stewart
Working on a door frame of Mk2a coach 5378 (26/08/2021)
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Ref - 9212
Photo - Timothy Edwards
The refurbished bottom of a door for Mk2a coach 5378 back in place (07/09/2021)
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Ref - 9213
Photo - Tam Stewart
The refurbished bottom of a door for Mk2a coach 5378 now varnished and painted (15/09/2021)
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Ref - 9214
Photo - R. Williamson
The new Polyfloor going down in the mk2a 5378. Welded joints have been used to prevent lifting and ensure longevity. (06/09/2021)
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Ref - 9215
Photo - R. Williamson
The new Polyfloor going down in the mk2a 5378. Welded joints have been used to prevent lifting and ensure longevity. (06/09/2021)
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Ref - 9216
Photo - Timothy Edwards
The new Polyfloor now down in the mk2a 5378. Welded joints have been used to prevent lifting and ensure longevity. (07/09/2021)
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Ref - 9217
Photo - Unknown Photographer
Preparing the bucket seats for refitting in the Mk2 coaches (13/09/2021)
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Ref - 9218
Photo - Unknown Photographer
The refurbished seats have been fitted in the first section of the mk2a 5378 (14/09/2021)
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Ref - 9219
Photo - R. Williamson
The tables have now been refitted into the mk2a 5378. How great does it look? This is a first for the WR and we are extremely proud of how it has turned out. A big thanks to our small team of staff and volunteers who are working tirelessly to get ready for The Polar Express. (24/09/2021)
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Ref - 9220
Photo - Timothy Edwards
The interior of the mk2a 5378 is now complete. How great does it look? This is a first for the WR and we are extremely proud of how it has turned out. A big thanks to our small team of staff and volunteers who are working tirelessly to get ready for The Polar Express. (28/09/2021)
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Ref - 9221
Photo - Timothy Edwards
Coach Mk2a 5307 is also progressing well and the exterior painting will soon be competed. The interior is also close to being finished. (28/09/2021)
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Ref - 9222
Photo - Timothy Edwards
Refurbished bucket seats ready for fitting into mk2a coach 5307 (28/09/2021)
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Ref - 9223
Photo - Timothy Edwards
Fitting of seats into mk2a coach 5307 in progress (28/09/2021)
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Ref - 9224
Photo - Timothy Edwards
The completed section of seating and tables in the mk2a coach 5307. This also looks superb (28/09/2021)
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Ref - 9231
Photo - Tam Stewart
Rebuilding of a 0-6-0 tank steam locomotive - Applying more green rust proofing paint (25/08/2021)
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Ref - 9237
Photo - Timothy Edwards
The restoration of this wagon is now complete and will shortly be used a temporary storage for the boiler and other parts for the 0-6-0 steam loco that is currently under restoration (07/09/2021)
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Ref - 9245
Photo - Tam Stewart
Rebuilding of a 0-6-0 tank steam locomotive - More rubbing down of metalwork (08/09/2021)
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Ref - 9246
Photo - Tam Stewart
Rebuilding of a 0-6-0 tank steam locomotive - More painting with green rust proof paint (08/09/2021)
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Ref - 9250
Photo - Tam Stewart
Rebuilding of a 0-6-0 tank steam locomotive - Now a blue grey paint is being applied (15/09/2021)
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Ref - 9252
Photo - Tam Stewart
Rebuilding of a 0-6-0 tank steam locomotive - The boiler arrives on-site at Leeming Bar (17/09/2021)
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Ref - 9259
Photo - Timothy Edwards
Rebuilding of a 0-6-0 tank steam locomotive - Much of the frame is now painted in the blue grey paint (28/09/2021)
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Ref - 9261
Photo - Timothy Edwards
Rebuilding of a 0-6-0 tank steam locomotive - The boiler is now placed on the newly refurbished truck. This is being used to store the boiler and other parts until they are needed (28/09/2021)
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Ref - 9263
Photo - Tam Stewart
Rebuilding of a 0-6-0 tank steam locomotive - Trying to dismantle the motion. It is proving very difficult despite the use of large spanners and copious heat (29/09/2021)
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Ref - 9264
Photo - Tam Stewart
Rebuilding of a 0-6-0 tank steam locomotive - The motion has finally been removed after a lot of work (30/09/2021)
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Ref - 9265
Photo - Tam Stewart
Rebuilding of a 0-6-0 tank steam locomotive - The sliding motion and piston have finally all been separated (30/09/2021)
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Ref - 9230
Photo - Alan Graham
The vegetation team turning up for work in the woods at Constable Burton. The job here was to cut back overgrowing trees and branches and strim back undergrowth for the Polar Express "North Pole". (22/09/2021)
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Ref - 9225
Photo - Alan Graham
The vegetation team turning up for work in the woods at Constable Burton. The job here was to cut back overgrowing branches and strim back undergrowth on either side of the parked Pacers and beyond. (22/09/2021)
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Ref - 9226
Photo - Alan Graham
We don't have a "before" picture unfortunately but this picture shows where the vegetation team have been removing trees, branches and undergrowth on both sides for the site of the North Pole scenery. (29/09/2021)
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Ref - 9227
Photo - Alan Graham
The vegetation Team have a rest near to one of their bonfires (29/09/2021)
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Ref - 9228
Photo - Alan Graham
The vegetation Team have a rest near to one of their bonfires (29/09/2021)
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Ref - 9229
Photo - Alan Graham
"Working in the Woods", (Constable Burton 29/09/21). Some of the vegetation team waiting for the fire to go down safely after a hard day's graft, before making their way home in this end of day picture. (29/09/2021)
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