Wensleydale Railway - Photo Archive

October 2021


During October a lot of work has been carried out at Leeming Bar. Most of it is to get the railway ready for Polar Express.

This month we have the following:-
1. Restoration and overhaul of four coaches (5378, 6163, 5307, 5373) to join the Polar Express rake.
2. Moving of our new buffet coach and sleeping car into position at Leeming Bar.
3. Work on our new diesel shunter continues.
4. Restoration and rebuilding of the 0-6-0 tank loco continues.
5. Work on the new toilet block at Leeming Bar is continuing.
6. A delivery of coal in readiness for the steam loco for Polar Express.
7. Dismantling of Hertford East Signal box by Network Rail for transport to us. Destined for Leyburn.
8. Work by the Imnfrastructure Team, including use of our new road/rail machine.
9. Nine year old Sam doing a sponsored walk to raise funds for the railway.
10. Work by the Vegetation Team.

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