Wensleydale Railway - Photo Archive

April 2023 (Part 2)


Lots of work has been carried out during April.
1. New heritage information boards for our stations.
2. New lighting in Bedale station cafe.
3. A wash boiler has been constructed in Leeming Bar Station House washroom.
4. Several views in Leeming Bar Station House.
5. Our class 121 'bubblecar' is now nearly ready for service.
6. Restoration of the 0-6-0 steam tank loco is progressing (for more photos see here).
7. A Wickham Trolley is being restored.
8. Restoration of the railway crane has now started with shot blasting and priming of the metal (for more photos see here).
9. Our pacer in Regional Railways Livery is just getting its final light blue stripe painted.
10. Various other maintenance.
11. an unusual use for some of old rail chairs.
12. The Aiskew track renewal is now complete, with some 'before' and 'after' photos.
13. Some routine track maintenance.
14. A couple of miles of rails are being donated to us.
15. Various work by the Vegetation Team.

For photos of various locomotives and trains including the visit of Network Rail's CEO on the line in April see here

For photos of the 2023 Model Railway show see here

For photos of the fitting of anti-slip strips to Scruton station platform see here

For photos of the tarmacking of Leeming Bar station platform see here

Tip - You may find it better to view the pictures in 'full screen' mode - For most browsers F11 will toggle this on and off

© 2025 Wensleydale Railway