Wensleydale Railway - Photo Archive

July 2024 (Page2)


During July lots of work has been going on on the railway. Due to the quantity of photos this month there are two photo galleries. On this second page we have:
1. D9523 at the '14s at 60' gala on the Ecclesbourne Valley Railway.
2. The restoration of the ex P-Way mess van is continuing.
3. Restoration is starting on a Mk.1 BSK coach, M35304.
4. Restoration is continuing on the Mk.2 coach.
5. Restoration is continuing on the 0-6-0 steam tank loco.
6. Restoration is now nearly complete on the Wickham Trolley
7. The Infrastructure Team have been busy installing a drainage system on a particularly wet part of the line.
8. The Vegetation Team have been very busy all along the line.

There are many more photos in page 1 of this month's photo gallery.

There were also a good number of photos which could not fit in this month's two photo galleries. These can be found in the following dedicated photo galleries.

For more photos of the Works Mess van that is to be restored as a mess van for our railway crane see here.

For more photos of the restoration of the Wickham Trolley see here

For more photos of the restoration of the Mk1 Coach see here

For more photos of the restoration and rebuild of the 0-6-0 Steam Tank loco see here

For more photos of the continuing restoration of the Mk2 Coach see here

Tip - You may find it better to view the pictures in 'full screen' mode - For most browsers F11 will toggle this on and off

© 2025 Wensleydale Railway