Wensleydale Railway - Photo Archive

October 2024 (Page 1)


During October lots of work has been going on on the railway, including track slewing beyond Leyburn in connection with Project Redmire, Relaying Primrose UWC and preparing Leeming Bar for Polar Express.
On this page you can see:-
1. Various diesel locos and DMUs on the line.
2. Autumn at Scruton.
3. Miscellaneous photos.
4. Drainage word at Leeming Bar.
5. Extension of Leeming Bar car park.
6. Delivery and installation of a second kitchen portacabin for Polar Express use.
7. Construction of a concrete base and provision of associated utilities for toilets and a shower for our maintenance volunteers.
On the next page you can see:-
1. The Vegetation Team erecting the North Pole for Polar Express.
2. Preparations at Leeming Bar for Polar Express.
3. Work is nearly complete on the restoration of a Mk1 Brake coach - Probably for use with Polar Express.
4. Work is continuing with the extensive restoration of a M2 Brake coach.
5. Work is continuing on the restoration of the 0-6-0 Steam Tank Engine.
6. The track slewing work near Wensley is now complete.
7. Primrose User Worked Crossing (UWC) is being completely renewed.
8. The Vegetation team have been busy keeping the lineside vegetation under control.

For more photos of the track slew work near Wensley see here

For more photos of the restoration of the Mk1 Coach see here

For more photos of the restoration and rebuild of the 0-6-0 Steam Tank loco see here

For more photos of the continuing restoration of the Mk2 Coach see here

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© 2025 Wensleydale Railway