Wensleydale Railway - Photo Archive

Scruton Station and its Social History
Here are a few photos of Scruton Station and its social history.
We are running an ongoing research programme into the history of the Wensleydale Railway, which runs from Northallerton to Redmire, and we would be delighted to hear from anyone who has a family connection with the railway or can help us piece together its story over the last 150 years. To get in touch, please email education@wensleydalerailway.com or telephone 01677-425805.
For photos showing the restoration of Scruton station see the Scruton Restoration pages

Ref - 1383
Photo - Scanned by Trevor Howe
Scruton Station in around 1910. (1910)
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Ref - 1383
Photo - Scanned by Trevor Howe
Scruton Station in around 1910. (1910)
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Ref - 656
Photo - NER Association/Ken Hoole Study Centre
A view of Scruton Station in 1910 when it won the Best Kept Station Award (1910)
If you are interested in this photo, contact the copyright holder : Ernie's Railway Archive via Flickr.
Ref - 1604
Photo - NER Association/Ken Hoole Study Centre
Scruton station in NER days. (1910s)
If you are interested in this photo, contact the copyright holder : Ernie's Railway Archive via Flickr.
Ref - 2588
Photo - David Walker
By the early 2000s, Scruton Station was in a very derilict condition and so covered in undergrowth that it could barely be seen. Here is a photo of the station after clearance of the vegetation but before restoration commenced. (26/11/2008)
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Ref - 1382
Photo - Derek Bailey
The present day restored Scruton Station with a double headed train passing during the 2015 Diesel Gala (17/07/2015)
Click here to see higher resolution photo
Ref - 660
Photo - John Tong
Some people in period dress on Scruton station when members of the Railway Heritage Trust came and unveiled a plaque at Scruton Station for 2015's best restored station (23/04/2016)
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Ref - 661
Photo - John Tong
Some people in period dress on Scruton station when members of the Railway Heritage Trust came and unveiled a plaque at Scruton Station for 2015's best restored station (23/04/2016)
Click here to see higher resolution photo
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