Wensleydale Railway - Photo Archive

Drainage work near Constable Burton

by the Infrastructure Group

This set of photos is of some Infrastructure work a small team carried out recently during a lull in trains from 6-9 July 2015. It was a 3 day job.

Basically this area near to the Constable Burton loop had became a duck pond, after severe rain resulted in overflows and cascades (water/silt) down the railway to a point where the last two photos are taken - the mass of silt here is vast and blocks a cross drain very easily.

After this work the main (90%) bulk of water goes down the new cross drain and the rest goes down the original restored cross drain leaving nothing to continue down the now cleared U tubes until water levels increase. What the pictures doesn't show is that there is at least another 80m of U tubes to clear out back to the next UWC.

Tip - You may find it better to view the pictures in 'full screen' mode - For most browsers F11 will toggle this on and off

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