Wensleydale Railway - Photo Archive

Recovery of Track from Eggborough Power Station

(July 2021)

Thanks to EP Investments UK, the railway has been donated over a mile of track from the now closed Eggborough power station. The one small catch is that we needed to recover the track and move to Wensleydale as soon as possible.

A small team of both staff and volunteers with the help of VolkerRail have been on site at Eggborough during July 2021 preparing the track ready for lifting and loading onto trucks for the trip north. The track is earmarked for another major relay operation over the winter - targeting an area of life expired track between Redmire and Wensley.

Once the track had been cleared and the rails unclipped and where required cut to length, the rails were lifted and moved to a stacking point ready for transport to Wensleydale. Use of 2 RRV’s made this task much simpler that having to use plain old muscle to move the heavy rails.

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