Wensleydale Railway - Photo Archive

Drainage Work near Bridges 28 & 29 West of Leyburn
Part 1
The trackbed around bridges 28 and 29 west of Leyburn, was suffering from soil washing down from side of the cutting. It was also very wet and needed the drainage sorted out as part of the project to restore rail services to Redmire. This project started in 2023 and continued in 2024 and these photos show part of the work involved.

Ref - 12167
Photo - Jim Wareing
Work continues to restore the track from Leyburn towards Wensley. The cutting between Bridge 28,A684 and Bridge 29,Ord & Madison is badly overgrown even though it was cut back before Covid. In order to have good sight of the ground for future earthworks the trackside is being cleared. Work in progress. (28/08/2023)
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Ref - 12167
Photo - Jim Wareing
Work continues to restore the track from Leyburn towards Wensley. The cutting between Bridge 28,A684 and Bridge 29,Ord & Madison is badly overgrown even though it was cut back before Covid. In order to have good sight of the ground for future earthworks the trackside is being cleared. Work in progress. (28/08/2023)
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Ref - 12168
Photo - Jim Wareing
After and much clearer. The brash to the right will be chipped during the next work party. (28/08/2023)
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Ref - 12272
Photo - Michael Metcalfe
A chipper was hired in to shred some brash previously cut down between Wilkinson's UWC on outskirts of Leyburn and B28. (11/09/2023)
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Ref - 12275
Photo - Michael Metcalfe
Work continues in Leyburn cutting to install a drainage pipe and cover it with some excess ballast from further up the line. (25/09/2023)
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Ref - 12276
Photo - Michael Metcalfe
View from the other end looking towards Leyburn. Pipe is covered with a membrane to hopefully reduce ash and soil contamination. (25/09/2023)
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Ref - 12277
Photo - Michael Metcalfe
The end of the piped section and should flow out and away further down the trackside. (25/09/2023)
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Ref - 12278
Photo - Michael Metcalfe
A start was made to install another drainage pipe from half way from B28 towards Wilkinson's crossing in the distance. (25/09/2023)
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Ref - 12432
Photo - Andy Glendinning
After the old ditch west of Wilkinsons User Worked Crossing had been cleared of silt and vegetation the base is levelled to provide the new pipe with the correct fall. (09/10/2023)
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Ref - 12433
Photo - Michael Metcalfe
Work begins to clear the banking slip material between B28 and B29 at Leyburn Shawl area. The straight edging which has been exposed is a buried U tube drainage arrangement but one side has been mostly broken off. (23/10/2023)
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Ref - 12434
Photo - Michael Metcalfe
This section under B28 has been exposed to find a pipe inside a U tube channel which might run all the way to B29. On the right is a drainage pit installed by the railway in 2008 to divert the water to the other side of the track. The pipe is going to be tested to see if it contains asbestos. (23/10/2023)
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Ref - 12435
Photo - Michael Metcalfe
Work continues to install a drainage pipe from Wilkinson's crossing towards B28. (23/10/2023)
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Ref - 12436
Photo - Michael Metcalfe
Water running down this lane from the A684 to Wilkinson's crossing has been a problem for years leading to mud on the crossing deck/track which then allows the grass to grow. This lump of rail has been installed to try and divert the slow trickle of water. (23/10/2023)
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Ref - 12537
Photo - Michael Metcalfe
Work continues in a 3 day job to clear the lineside of debris of the collapsed banking which was up to rail height in places. The mini digger is clearing up and then puts the spoil into the dumper and transported to a suitable area in need of it. (07/11/2023)
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Ref - 12538
Photo - Michael Metcalfe
The excavators can only clear so much and it's down to sheer hard human graft with pick and shovel to clear around the rail chairs and under the rails of compacted debris. Come and try this for 3 days in a row...!! (07/11/2023)
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Ref - 12539
Photo - Michael Metcalfe
The big digger clears the banking away and can reach this side of the track where there is room to dump it. (07/11/2023)
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Ref - 12540
Photo - Michael Metcalfe
The back of the bucket is used to round off the edge of the bank. (08/11/2023)
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Ref - 12541
Photo - Michael Metcalfe
Work starts on a trial basis to build a sleeper retaining wall with the mini digger and auger. (20/11/2023)
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Ref - 12542
Photo - Michael Metcalfe
The first 2 posts are concrete and the rest are scrap lengths of rail. It's time consuming cutting the rails with a Stihl saw let alone the risks associated with repetitive strain injuries - concrete wins! (20/11/2023)
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Ref - 12543
Photo - Michael Metcalfe
General view of the worksite under B28. (20/11/2023)
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Ref - 12605
Photo - Andy Waite
Extensive earth works between Bridges 28 and 29 west of Leyburn. (07/11/2023)
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Ref - 12606
Photo - Andy Glendinning
Many years of neglect and rabbits burrowing have allowed spoil to wash down up to rail level and into the four foot from the cutting side on the north side of the track between Bridges 28 & 29. (06/11/2023)
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Ref - 12607
Photo - Andy Glendinning
The mini digger carefully clears the four foot of spoil. (06/11/2023)
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Ref - 12608
Photo - Andy Glendinning
Spoil dumped on the north side. (06/11/2023)
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Ref - 12609
Photo - Andy Glendinning
The larger machine clears back the north side cess. Some material is dumped on the south side where it's arm can reach. (06/11/2023)
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Ref - 12610
Photo - Andy Glendinning
Under the rails, around the chairs and on the sleeper tops where the big machines can't reach has to be laboriously cleared by hand of compacted spoil. (06/11/2023)
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Ref - 12611
Photo - Andy Glendinning
Some spoil is dumpered east toward Bridge 27 to support a sleeper wall there reinforcing the embankment. (06/11/2023)
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Ref - 12645
Photo - Michael Metcalfe
A 2 day work party started with building materials delivered to Wilkinson's crossing and loaded onto trollies for use in building the sleeper wall. (04/12/2023)
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Ref - 12646
Photo - Michael Metcalfe
Unfortunately slow persistent rain the day before produced a flooding issue which prevented any further post drilling today. 20 posts were fitted the day before during the drizzle. (05/12/2023)
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Ref - 12647
Photo - Andy Glendinning
Cutting between Bridge 28 A684 and Bridge 29 Ord and Maddison west of Leyburn. The north side of the track here has already had the excess spoil washed down from the slope removed in readiness to install a sleeper retaining wall and drainage pipe.
After snow melt and heavy rain the pipe on the south side was overwhelmed and water took the path of least resistance and flowed down the south cess and here on the north side which has been further dug out to channel it away. (05/12/2023)Click here to see higher resolution photo
Ref - 12648
Photo - Michael Metcalfe
The ditch on the right was opened up to take the water away past B29. (05/12/2023)
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Ref - 12649
Photo - Michael Metcalfe
A mid afternoon shot of the flood which will take a few days to soak away. (05/12/2023)
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Ref - 12650
Photo - Andy Glendinning
Bridge 28 to Bridge 29. Recovering redundant sleepers to form the north side retaining wall. Flooding both sides still evident. (05/12/2023)
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Ref - 12651
Photo - Andy Glendinning
Bridge 28. Positioning sleepers behind the concrete posts installed the previous day to form the retaining wall. At the start of the day this area was completely flooded but fortunately it dried out during the day.
We had hoped to bore more holes and install further posts but with the ground under water this wasn't possible. (05/12/2023)Click here to see higher resolution photo
Ref - 12652
Photo - Michael Metcalfe
Old sleepers were gathered up and placed behind the newly fitted support posts. (05/12/2023)
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Ref - 12653
Photo - Michael Metcalfe
The final view of the new sleeper wall progress at the end of the 2 day job. (05/12/2023)
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Ref - 12654
Photo - Andy Glendinning
It's a long trundle back at walking pace from Bridge 28 in the background to Wilkinsons User Worked Crossing to return the hired in plant to the supplier.
Mini digger with auger for hole drilling, one of our B trolleys for kit, second mini digger with bucket for spoil removal, sleeper and log movements and bringing up the rear dumper for spoil removal, sleeper and log movements. (05/12/2023)Click here to see higher resolution photo
Ref - 12730
Photo - Michael Metcalfe
Another delivery of supplies to Wilkinson's crossing. (15/01/2024)
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Ref - 12731
Photo - Michael Metcalfe
A ditch is dug out from the end of the U tubes towards B29 and a plastic pipe will be installed. (15/01/2024)
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Ref - 12732
Photo - Michael Metcalfe
We did find a previously installed pipe part the way down but wouldn't of been able to clean them out and they stopped well short of the bridge. (15/01/2024)
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Ref - 12734
Photo - Michael Metcalfe
Another lump of rail was installed into Wilkinson's crossing road to attempt to deflect more water into the lineside ditch. (24/01/2024)
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Ref - 12735
Photo - Michael Metcalfe
A day of consistent rain but the main focus on trying to get water away. Under bridge B29 the ditch has been dug a bit deeper. (29/01/2024)
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Ref - 12736
Photo - Michael Metcalfe
The scene on the way home with the digger, a mini waterfall has been created as the drainage cannot cope with this volume of water. (29/01/2024)
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Ref - 12737
Photo - Michael Metcalfe
The extent of the weather causing a flooded track..! This is quite common but rarely seen by the workers. (29/01/2024)
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Ref - 12738
Photo - Andy Glendinning
With most of the planned works between Bridges 28 and 29 west of Leyburn being cancelled due to the track being flooded the opportunity was taken to dig a cess ditch west of B29 to take the water away from the track.
The bonfire survived the flood and once the ditch had been completed this area dried out again. (29/01/2024)Click here to see higher resolution photo
Ref - 12739
Photo - Andy Glendinning
The flood and the digger were chasing each other westward as the water level rose. (29/01/2024)
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Ref - 12740
Photo - Andy Glendinning
Finished ditch diverting the water away from the track. (29/01/2024)
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Ref - 13124
Photo - Alan Graham
The vegetation team clearing out a drainage gully west of Leyburn They've already cleared most of the vegetation on both sides of the background in support of P-Way engineers who are carrying out improvement works to help trains to begin running on this section again. (14/02/2024)
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Ref - 14036
Photo - Andy Glendinning
Works train stabled loaded with materials for Return to Redmire work west of Leyburn on the following Monday. (18/05/2024)
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Ref - 14038
Photo - Nick Keegan
Our works train with a load of drainage tubes. (20/05/2024)
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Ref - 14040
Photo - Michael Metcalfe
Tubes and materials arrived on site on a works train. (20/05/2024)
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Ref - 14041
Photo - Michael Metcalfe
View from the Shark end of the works train. (20/05/2024)
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Ref - 14042
Photo - Michael Metcalfe
WL4 at the head of the works train delivering materials. (20/05/2024)
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Ref - 14043
Photo - Michael Metcalfe
Dumpy bags of fine ballast being lift off the rail wagon. (20/05/2024)
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Ref - 14044
Photo - Andy Glendinning
Christmas has come early. All the damaged pitch fibre pipe containing asbestos which had been removed from the Utubes between Bridges 28 & 29 west of Leyburn wrapped in plastic ready to be taken to Leyburn for collection by our approved disposal company. (20/05/2024)
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Ref - 14045
Photo - Andy Glendinning
Works train ready to set back to Leyburn to drop off the pipe,run round and return to Leeming Bar.
Thanks gentlemen for your assistance on this (and other) days. (20/05/2024)Click here to see higher resolution photo
Ref - 14046
Photo - Andy Glendinning
Checking for high spots in the open ditch section of the drainage to make sure there is an even fall from the end of the Utubes to the cross drain further west. (20/05/2024)
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Ref - 14047
Photo - Andy Glendinning
Taking a level. Newly delivered pipe which will be installed in the Utubes that are just visible to the left of the track. (20/05/2024)
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Ref - 14206
Photo - Michael Metcalfe
Digging out under B29 for a drainage pipe eventually. The going is tough as there is bed rock and needs the nose picker to break it up. (03/06/2024)
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Ref - 14207
Photo - Andy Glendinning
Wrapped pitch fibre pipe at Leyburn awaiting collection later in the day by the asbestos disposal company. (17/06/2024)
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Ref - 14208
Photo - Andy Glendinning
Serious work laying out cuts in the slab to form part of the catch pit at the end of the U tubes between Bridges 28 & 29. (17/06/2024)
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Ref - 14209
Photo - Michael Metcalfe
A catch pit made up out of paving slabs as an experiment to see how quickly and cheaply we can do the job as we may have to build 2 more. A proper commercial catch pit can be £1000..! (17/06/2024)
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Ref - 14210
Photo - Michael Metcalfe
An end of the day shot with some pipes already installed in the U tubes and the next ones ready to go in next time. (17/06/2024)
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Ref - 14256
Photo - Nick Keegan
Our ex Tyne and Wear shunter on a works train at Leeming Bar ready to take drainage pipes etc. to site (15/07/2024)
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Ref - 14257
Photo - Nick Keegan
A works train at Leeming Bar ready to take drainage pipes etc. to site (15/07/2024)
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Ref - 14258
Photo - Nick Keegan
A works train at Leeming Bar ready to take drainage pipes etc. to site (15/07/2024)
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Ref - 14259
Photo - Nick Keegan
A works train at Leeming Bar ready to take drainage pipes etc. to site (15/07/2024)
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Ref - 14260
Photo - Michael Metcalfe
Works train loco WL4 arrived with more pipes at B29 at Leyburn Shawl. (15/07/2024)
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Ref - 14261
Photo - Michael Metcalfe
A catch recently made with extra pipes added in - just needs the ends blocking up. (15/07/2024)
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Ref - 14262
Photo - Michael Metcalfe
Clearing out the existing U tube which involved removing half a U tube in many places which was broken back in BR days for some reason. The new pipes are ready to go in. (29/07/2024)
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Ref - 14263
Photo - Michael Metcalfe
Another catch pit under construction under B28 which hopefully will take a fair share from the pit behind in which a pipe also crosses the track there. (30/07/2024)
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Ref - 14264
Photo - Michael Metcalfe
Laying down geotextile to wrap the pipes in to. (30/07/2024)
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Ref - 14265
Photo - Michael Metcalfe
The final outlet where another catch pit will be built. (30/07/2024)
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Ref - 14266
Photo - Andy Glendinning
Final digging out to get the correct grade for the pipes between the catch pit at the west end of the Utubes and the cross drain which is just beyond Bridge 29 in the distance. (29/07/2024)
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